provide protection from a variety of diseases
so your pet neither gets nor gives the infection. Most
pet care facilities will require Distemper and Rabies vaccines
for dogs and cats. In addition, Bordetella is often required
for dogs and sometimes Leukemia for cats.
Here's a look at the components of vaccines. Many vaccine
protocols are now beginning to change. You should speak with
your veterinarian about each disease and yearly vaccinations.
Canine Distemper
This is really a composite of
several diseases. Depending on the combination your vet uses,
it may include some or all of the following: Distemper, Canine
Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza, Parvo virus and
Corona virus.
This adds additional protection against coughing
viruses and is boostered every six months to one year.
Feline Distemper
This is also a composite, containing
mostly upper respiratory diseases (Panleukopenia, Feline
Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calici Pnuemonitis), since that is
what cats are most susceptible to.
Other Cat Vaccines
These include Feline Leukemia and Feline Infectious
Peritonitis. Your veterinarian can tell you if your cat will
need these additional vaccines.
Puppy and Kitten Boosters
Puppies and kittens receive several vaccines over a period
of weeks when they are young. This is to protect them as
their mother's immunity slowly wears away. Traditionally,
dogs and cats receive boosters on a yearly basis following
the initial series.
This vaccination for pets is required by law. It is
usually given at between four and six months of age and then
boostered. Depending on state law, boosters may be yearly,
every other year or every three years.
Most reputable pet care facilities require proof of vaccination
before your pet can board or be admitted into daycare. This
is not only for the protection of your pet but for the protection
of other pets in the facility’s care. Without adequate
vaccinations, the facility may not accept your pet.
The content of this article is provided for informational
purposes only. You should always consult your veterinarian
with concerns about the care of your pet or for medical advice. back to Articles main |