it is obvious when your pet is not feeling
well but other times it may just be a feeling you have
based on his or her behavior. Trust your instincts. As
a pet owner, you know your pet better than anyone else.
If you think your dog or cat is “just not right,” chances
are something’s amiss.
Here are some signs to watch for:
- Changes in behavior — suddenly hiding or acting
aggressive, for example
- Not eating well; picking instead of eating with
- Third eyelids showing (The third eyelid is the
membrane that covers a dog or cat’s eye when
asleep. It often rises up when the pet is awake, indicating
- Vomiting for no apparent reason
- Diarrhea without reason or with no diet change
- Poor hair coat; hair that is suddenly shedding
excessively between shedding seasons
- Weight loss even though he/she eats well
- Excessive drinking
- Excessive urination, inappropriate elimination
in strange places or having accidents in the house
- Pale mucous membranes of the eyes or mouth
- Foul odors from the ears, mouth or anal area
Any of these warning signs may not indicate a serious
illness, but the possibility of a serious disease exists
if your pet should exhibit several of these symptoms.
For peace of mind, visit your veterinarian and discuss
the changes you have noticed in your pet, even if all you
can say is, “He’s
just not right.”
This article is provided as a general overview of the topic.
Always consult your veterinarian for specific information
related to diseases or medical care for pets. back to Articles main |