can unexpectedly escape through an open door or
window, from a vehicle or even by pulling the leash from
your hand. Something really interesting
on the other side of the fence might just be enough to
entice your dog to jump or dig his way out.
Traveling by car with your pet provides a whole new set
of circumstances that Fluffy or Fido might not be used
to. If your pet escapes while you’re on the road,
there may be little chance he could be returned to you
if he is not properly identified.
Consider these measures to keep your pet safe and to help
him find his way home again:
- Most dogs are used to wearing a collar, so make
sure he has an ID tag with your name, address and telephone
number on it. If you are traveling, make a temporary tag
listing the destination address and telephone number. Consider
using a cell phone number that will remain constant or
perhaps list a second number as an alternate. A few dollars
for a new ID tag is a cheap investment in case of an emergency.
- A breakaway collar is a good idea for a cat when
traveling. Though it would come off if caught on something,
at least there’s a chance that someone would
find your cat with the collar and ID intact.
- Leave the old license on your dog when moving,
at least until you obtain the new one at your destination. Most
townships and cities have a database to search the number
so if lost, atleast someone could call your old number
— and hopefully be redirected to your new one.
- Microchip your pet. This is the ultimate identification
of an animal; many countries now require pets to be
microchipped. Most
shelters, humane societies and animal control agents have
a scanner to read Avid and Home Again chips, the two most
popular in the USA. The biggest problem is that people
do not register the chip with complete information (name,
address and current phone number). Many pets have
been found with chips but without a contact in the database;
little can be done to return them to their owners. Be
sure to update your registration if you move.
- Tattooing is not as popular as it once was, but
still serves as a method of identification. Most tattoos
are done inside the thigh of the rear leg or under an
ear flap. Unfortunately, there is not a registration system
for tattoos nor is there one number for a person finding
a pet to call (as with a microchip). You might
want to keep a photo of the tattoo as well as of the pet
as proof that he or she is yours.
- When traveling, it’s a good idea to keep
photos of your pet with you, just in case you need to make
up flyers on short notice.
This article is provided as a general overview of the topic.
Always consult your veterinarian for specific information
related to diseases or medical care for pets. back to Articles main |