the rise of summer
temperatures, it is extremely important to prevent your dog
from overheating. Dogs cannot tell you when their temperature
rises and it is our responsibility to ensure that our pets
have sufficient shelter from the sun, adequate water to drink
and a way of cooling off when the summer sun rises.
Monitoring your dog closely in high heat is not enough,
however. It seems that pet owners tend to drop their guard
when the temperatures level off, either in the spring or
fall when owners think the danger has passed. You should
always keep in mind that exercise and subsequent confinement,
whether in a hot car, crate or doghouse, is enough to send
your dog's body temperature skyrocketing. Confinement is
the greatest perpetrator. Never leave an animal in a parked
car in warm weather — even for a short period of time
with the windows open. Although you and your pet would like
to be together, during the hot summer months it's much kinder
and safer to leave him at home.
A dog's body temperature is normally between 101°F and
102°F. Dogs regulate
their body temperature by panting, drawing air over the moist membranes of the
nose and tongue and cooling by evaporation. If a dog can not expel the heat fast
enough, his body temperature rises. A rise of three degrees to a temperature
of 105°F
is all it takes to send your dog into a dangerous situation. At this temperature,
the dog can no longer cope with reducing his body heat and the oxygen demand
goes up to where the dog can not keep up and his temperature continues to rise.
When the temperature hits 108°F, the heart, brain, liver,
kidneys and intestinal tracts start to begin breaking down
at a cellular level and the damage can progress at an alarming
rate. Even immediate treatment and effective cooling to bring
his temperature down can leave the dog with internal damage that may affect his
health over the long term.
Rapid breathing, dry mouth and nose, rapid heart rate and
gums that look dull, grayish-pink or red, are all early
stages of heat stroke. These symptoms can be followed within
minutes by collapse, seizures, coma and death. You must
take emergency action as soon as possible. Get the animal
into cool — not cold — water.
(Cold water causes tiny blood vessels in the skin to collapse, preventing cooled
blood at the skin level from traveling to the core of the body were it is really
needed.) Get the pet into a cool shower or give him a cool water rubdown right
away. Cooling the body back to normal is often not sufficient to save his life,
so you must also rush your pet to a veterinarian for continued treatment.
If you see an animal in a car exhibiting any signs of heat
stress, don’t
hesitate — take action! Call your local animal care and control agency
or police department immediately!
This article is provided as a general overview of the topic.
Always consult your veterinarian for specific information
related to diseases or medical care for pets. back to Articles main |