A dog
or cat's ears are very sensitive and
can easily become infected. Ears should be checked and
cleaned on a regular basis. This not only maintains good
health but also provides the opportunity to look for problems.
A normal healthy ear has a slightly pink color. Some dirt
and wax may be seen visually. There should be no foul odor
emanating from the ear. To clean out the wax and dirt,
use a cotton ball and a cleaner. There are many commercial
cleaners available through pet stores, veterinarians or
your boarding or daycare facility. Baby oil may be used
as a substitute but it will leave an oily residue. Saturate
the cotton ball and wipe only where you can see. Several
cotton balls may be needed for extremely dirty ears. Do
not use Q-tips to go into the canal, since wax may be compacted
deep into the canal. Lifting the earflap up straight may
help provide room to clean more easily.
For very dirty ears, 1–2 tablespoons of solution may be
squirted directly into the ear. Massage the base of the ear
well to distribute the cleaning solution and break up the
wax. Stand back while the dog or cat shakes out the debris.
For obvious reasons, do this outside or in an area that is
easily cleaned. Wipe out the visible dirt that remains.
In general, dogs with ears that flop over will need them
cleaned more often than dogs with prick ears. A good rule
of thumb is to check the ears every two to three weeks. Dogs
with hairy ears may need the area around the canal shaved
off every four to six weeks, allowing air to reach the canal.
Problem Conditions
Infections occur for a variety of reasons. Excessive moisture,
heredity or swimming may play a part. And just as children
seem to get ear infections for no reason, so do pets. Head
shaking, rubbing the ear on carpeting or furniture or
a tilt to one side may indicate an infection. The inner
ear will look red and sore and it will probably have a
foul odor. Abnormal amounts of discharge, often wet and/or
bloody, accompany infection. While the pet care facility
or grooming staff may be able to partially clean this ear,
it will need veterinary attention.
If a dog is prone to ear infections, ask the groomer or
facility staff to put cotton balls in the ears prior to bathing.
It will help keep dampness out of the ear canal. Chronic
infections may result in thickening of the ear tissue. Occasionally,
surgery is required to correct problems or eliminate chronic
Many breeds of dogs grow hair in the ear canal that needs
to be "plucked" out on a regular basis. Poodles
and many of the terriers are included in this group. If the
hair is not removed regularly, it can compact into the ear
canal along with normal wax. Since the ear can not "breathe,"
moisture is retained; infection can result. It is much
less painful to remove small amounts of hair regularly than
to try and remove a lot all at once.
Small tumors or growths are other abnormalities occasionally
seen in the ears. These may become bloody and cause pain.
If ignored or not removed, they may grow large enough to
occlude the ear canal. If the groomer or facility staff notice
a growth in your pet’s ear, it should be checked by
a veterinarian so options can be discussed.
A hematoma occurs in the ear flap (also called the pinna),
causing swelling that makes the ear flap feel like a little
pillow. Excessive head shaking or scratching cause ruptures
of blood vessels between the pieces of cartilage in the pinna.
The blood may clot in the ear and result in swelling. Since
there is usually an underlying medical problem, have a veterinarian
examine the ear and canal. Surgery is usually required to
drain the blood, clean the ear canal and prevent further
Ear mites are most common in puppies and kittens, who have
probably gotten them from their mothers. Ear mites infect
animals only after prolonged direct contact. Pets must
live together, groom each other and/or sleep together in
order to transfer the mites from pet to pet. Most adult pets
do not have ear mites.
Mites are sometimes found in strays or pets from overcrowded
situations where mite control could be difficult (shelters
or large breeding colonies for example). Even if a pet has
mites, they are easily eliminated with ear medications. All
pets in the household may need to be treated to prevent passing
mites back and forth. Your veterinarian will advise the best
way to treat ear mites.
This article is provided as a general overview of the topic.
Always consult your veterinarian for specific information
related to diseases or medical care for pets. back to Articles main |