pet will undoubtedly be happy to see you
after your trip. Following a few simple steps will help
ease the transition back to home life.
- Overexcitement may make a dog pant a lot and act
thirsty. He is probably not really thirsty and had plenty
of water available at the facility. Give him a few ice
cubes to tide him over until he settles down.
- Food: ditto. Be aware that excessive drinking
and eating may lead to digestive upsets and bloating. Do
not feed your pet for at least three hours after coming
home from the pet care facility and then limit the food
and water you provide until he has settled back into home
- Walk your pet upon arrival or allow access to
a yard area. Excitement may also cause a change in urination
or bowel movements outside his normal schedule.
- Give your pet some personalized attention — some
play time or sitting and petting or brushing him will help
him get through the excitement stage and calm down.
- A stay at a pet care facility can be very exciting
and some dogs charge around barking at other dogs and having
a wonderful time. These dogs often leave the facility exhausted
but happy and sleep a lot for the first couple of days
after they are back home.
- Re-establish home patterns by following a normal
schedule. Pets love following a schedule; it makes
them feel safe and secure.
- If your cat is normally allowed to go outside, after
you pick kitty up from the facility, be sure to keep her
in the house for a few days before allowing her to go out.
Just as she had to adjust to the facility, so will she
have to adjust to being home again. Allow her to find that “at
home” feeling
again before letting her out of the house.
This article is provided as a general overview of the topic.
Always consult your veterinarian for specific information
related to diseases or medical care for pets.
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