The Nuts and Bolts
Of how we interact with each other are here. Highland Kennel will always do what’s right for your pet’s well-being.
Reservations are required for all stays, although we’ll try to accommodate last-minute requests. Anything occurring outside of regular hours is by strict appointment only.
Cancellations should be made at least 48 hours in advance. We reserve the right to charge a fee for violations of this policy.
Person Picking Up Pets
If someone other than you will be picking up your pet, you must let us know in advance or we won’t release the animal. This is for your and your pet’s protection.
Animal Health
- Boarding animals must be in good health; no exceptions.
- Boarding animals must have current vaccinations. We can recommend a vet, if needed.
- Boarding animals must arrive without fleas or infestation. We can provide a flea and tick bath, if required.
- Occasionally a pet may need medicine for arthritis, diabetes, etc. or may be taking vitamins. It’s the owner’s responsibility to supply required medication during your pet’s visit with us. We, in turn, promise to administer the medication to your pet(s) as per your instructions (small fees apply).
- It’s the owner’s responsibility to provide a full and accurate history of their animal(s). Should your animal become sick or its health otherwise require attention during their visit with us, we will engage the services of a licensed veterinarian at the owner’s expense.
Boarding and Other Services
Bills are to be settled in full before animals depart. Payment is accepted in the form of credit card, cash or in-state check. Bounced checks will incur a $40 service fee, as imposed by our bank. If collection is required, associated costs will be born by the pet owner.
Monthly Boarding
Monthly boarding requires the first month’s fee in advance. Discounts are available on monthly boarding. Please inquire for current rates.
Sales Tax
New Jersey sales tax of 6.25% is required to be charged on all Highland Kennel goods and services.
Personal Property
Highland Kennel is not responsible for items left with your pet, however, we will do our best to return all items to you.
Animal Pictures
Highland Kennel may post images of your pet(s) on our website and in social media for everyone to enjoy. If you don’t wish us to do so, please let us know and we will not post images or will remove them if we were unaware of your wishes.
No Smoking
We are a smoke-free workplace, for your animal’s health and ours — NO SMOKING.
Right to Refuse Service
Highland Kennel reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at any time for whatever reason we deem fit.
1424 Maxim-Southard Road • Howell, NJ 07731 Open 7 days by appointment

© Rescue Ridge at Highland Kennel | designed with love & fun by Katie @Embodyart
© Rescue Ridge at Highland Kennel
designed with love & fun by Katie @ Embodyart