Removing Skunk Odor from Your Pet
Dogs usually don’t seem to mind the odor of skunk spray and some are repeat offenders! Though there are commercial shampoos and odor removers available, you can also make up a mixture from simple ingredients you probably already have around the house.
The oily spray on your pet’s coat is easily transferred to household objects, so keep the pet outside or in the garage to avoid smelling up the whole house. If possible, wash your pet with shampoo first to remove dirt and loosen dead hair.
Here’s the formula, which can be found on numerous websites in varying proportions:
- 1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide
- 1/4 cup of baking soda
- 2 tbsp. liquid dish detergent (the product used for washing dishes in the sink, not in the dishwasher)
Mix the ingredients in a large bowl or bucket since the solution will bubble and boil. Chemically, this is an oxygen generator mix and the oxygen is what neutralizes the skunk chemical. Wear gloves to protect your hands. Start behind your pet’s head and rub into the coat. Use a sponge to carefully apply the solution around the face. Do not get into eyes or ears. Rinse well and repeat if necessary. Do not keep any leftover solution.
Other home remedies are not as effective but include:
Four ounces of Massengill douche powder diluted in water and applied to the coat. Work in well and do not rinse out. The douche powder has some effect to absorb odors.
Tomato juice is often tried and can be effective. The small amount of oil in the juice will break down some skunk odor. White dogs turn a lovely shade of pink.
For repeat offenders, try some of the commercially-prepared products from your pet retail facility and keep a supply on hand!
This article is provided as a general overview of the topic. Always consult your veterinarian for specific information related to diseases or medical care for pets.
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© Highland Kennel designed with love by Katie | Embodyart